09 January 2010

*parati - cont.

just to finish off the restaurant story, we ordedred some juice but when the waiter brought a bill it was 3 times as high as we had expected and we did not even have that much, coz we try to carry as little as possible.so we left all the money we had (few reales was missing) and quitely sneaked away... how embarassing! but we could not face explaining the suituation to the waiter .... so i guess the lesson of today is that some restaurants charge you huge cover charges and you need to check it in advance .
after parati we took a bus to sao paulo and from ther to foz de iguazu. in sao paulo we meet a lovely couple in their sixties and they told us that they have been married for 40 years and are still in love, they also said that we are pretty and blessed us with a sign of a cross for the way. or at least we think that this is all the said coz they had no english and we have no portugese. somehow we still amange to get by :)
next stop iguazu !

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