23 February 2010

*cordoba, here i think i could stay for a while....

in cordoba we were lucky to stay in the coolest hostel ever. or at least one of the coolest ones. the hostel was run by a french ex-futbolista and a turkish girl who used to work for a big chain of hotels and used to be all about manners and being posh and looking smart and left it all for a life in argentina and this cool place. she says it took her a while to rid off her posh self and she had to start eating with her hands and go a bit wild to level it all up :) anyhow, together with another french and an argentinian they run this amazing place with a really cool deco and bbqs on the roof.
the hostel fits very well in a beautiful town built by the jesuits. on every coner there ia a baroque church or two. (or at least they seem baroque, im not too much of an expert here). we went to the museum of antropology and saw how people from sierras and andes made sacrifices from humans and i could not help but wonder how much different it was from the christian sacrifice. we all thought that it would make our gods happy. im also fascinated by a dna distribution among the races. aparently 85% of the dna message is the same among all humans. another 5-6% is the genetic diffrence among the inhabitants of the same continent and 9-13% correspondes with diffrences between the continents. at least i wont leave as stupid as i came! we also visited buen pastor, a famale prison converted into galleries of moder art, a really beautifull place, i didnt understand much from the abstract art and there was no one around to explain it to me tho.
one of the evenings we spent having an asado (a bbq) on the roof with mattieu s friends but they didnt spak english and our spanish is still too basic to get the jokes so it was akward. we also went out to a night club and that was a good fun :)
the next day we had a pizza for breakfast in our corner coffe shop at 4pm and went shopping coz our backpacked wardroabes are geeting a bit...well, used.
on the way back we met a gut who we had met in ushaia a couple of weeks ago and it really felt like home to be called by name on the street.
we left this cozy yet cosmo city to go up north to salta.

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