10 April 2010

*back to cusco for easter and agnieszka´s birthday

i have just managed to come back to cusco in time to celebrate easter and agnes´s birthday (im not allowed to say the number). the easter in peru seems to be celebrated mainly with processions. each day they take out a different figure from one of the churches and walk with it around all the plazas. one day it is the black Christo, another day Mother Mary and another day Christo in the coffin. the streets fill out with people and orchestras. we walk around with them a bit. on sunday morning according to the polish tradition we paint eggs. back home we have proper colouring powders but here we resolve to the nail polish, marker pens and patterns of coffee and chewing gum. thank God my grandma doesnt see this. later we have an egg fight (you are supposed to hit the opponents´egg with your egg so their egg breaks and yours remains whole) and as the eggs were not properlly hardboiled it ends up with a terrible mess around the balcony and all over our clean easter outfits.
we celebrate agnieszka´s birthday with a breakfast at pretty boys´ place. we actutally celebrate every second morning in this place, but they trully have the best breakfast in town plus they are the most good looking, so this is a good start for a day. i got agnieszka a bungie jump for her birthday, which at start seemed like a brilliant idea, as she likes extrme sports, but as she was going up the elevator (120 meters!!!!!!) to do the jump i was so freaked out i was just hoping she would chicken out and come down without jumping. i saw myself calling her mum and saying that i killed her daughter! but all went well, she bravelly jumped out and even said she liked it :)
we spent a day around the town and ruins of pisaq and the next stop : machu picchu! we have not really planned it too carefully and dont wanna go with the agency, just free-style with some instructions scribbled down, so that might be interesting....

1 comment:

Russian Dave said...

Excellent work ladies. Painting eggs is what good Christian's do as well as bungee jumping.