05 May 2010

*last days in lima / im becoming professionaly idle

the last days in lima are spent on the most idle activities...we lie on the grass in a park (i end up with dog's poo all over my shin, but hey! it's everybody's park, init?), we celebrate the meals and coffees, play ping-pong (havent done it since primary school but somehow i still have some moves :)), we read, catch up on emails and facebooks and literally laze about.
we go out with baggio, sunny and juliana and we dance away till the small hours in a very non-gringo club. when we come back to the hostel we chat on the roof for some time till they start serving breakfast. then we go to sleep with a feeling of a very productive day :)
we go to the bar with some guitar band and it all ends up with the guitar passing around the guests who not always know all the lyrics.
how will i ever go back to the world where you actually have to do stuff?
oh, almost forgot, we did one educational museum outing. we went to larco museum and learnt loads (not too sure how much i still remember) about all the cultures of peru. they had this crazy collection of erotic potery, with elements of dicks and vaginas everywhere. wow! so much porn on the pots! they even have figurs symbolising sex with dead people as a metafor of the connection between the two worlds.
i could really lazy aroud in lima for a few more days, but its time to move on - la habana here we come!

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