20 May 2010

* semuck champey

we loved tikal so much and im very excited to see more of guatemala. we only have a few days left here (and i admit with horror and goose bumps) we only have a tiny little bit of our whole trip left. we decide to go semuck champey to see natural swimming pools and chill out there for a day. we are staying in a really cool hostel - just by a river, with great food and hammocks, my new love :)to get to semuck we hop on a truck full of locals and take almost an hour long bumpy ride through the winding roads (or maybe i should say : paths). it feels a little bit like bolivia. ladies with thier traditionla outfits, street vendors, similar landscape. maybe a richer version of bolivia? we climb a steep hill to see the pools from the top and we get sweety and tired but it is all worth it! the structure is amazing! we see the river entring something like a cave underneth the pools and coming out on the other side. i swim and swim and swim. me likey :) i could easily spend a week here just swimming, reading, swinging in a hammock, just hanging our really, but we need to keep moving! and at this stage we need to keep moving fast! we hop on a bus and after a day we are in antigua.

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